Sunday, July 3, 2011

No. We haven't moved yet...

..but we're getting there.

So far we've packed all our books, movies, and everything from our desks.  Well not everything.  We threw away all the junk that we had nonchalantly thrown onto our desks when we weren't thinking about it:  junk mail, school paper rough drafts, a half eaten cheeseburger.  You know, the things you just forget about.

I'm happy to report that the number of boxes holding our books outnumber the number of boxes that hold our DVDs.  (I'm not mentioning the fact that a good number of these books are old text books and comic trades.  Nor am I mentioning the fact that our books are, on average, bigger than a DVD case.)  We're so learned, like Planet Vinci's football team.

 The Cat does not know why there is a big stack of boxes next to the window, but he's not complaining: 
Dance, puppets, DANCE!

He, like most of the feline persuasion, likes to be above people.  Both physically and emotionally.  He also loves looking out the window, so this whole box thing is a win win for him.  I'm guessing he's not going to be too happy once we start driving.

Back-story:  The Cat hates the car.  He doesn't just hate the actual car, he hates the IDEA of the car.  Whenever he is in the car he yowls.  Not meows...yowls.  Also, when he is done making sound he doesn't close his mouth.  He just stands there, slack jawed, for a good couple of seconds after he stopped making the sound.  After he finally closes it you think "Maybe he's done,"  and then he yowls again.  His longest car ride was 3 hours, and that was God-awful for everyone (and everything) involved.  Austin to Columbus is 20 hours.

The Wife and I considered giving The Cat a sedative for the trip.  Just enough to give him a nice calming buzz.  We tested it on him in the apartment a couple of weeks ago.  Here's how the experiment turned out:

Before the sedative:
Artist Depiction

After the sedative:
New Artist Depiction

THERE WAS NO CHANGE!  None.  We asked the vet and she told us that most cats will fall asleep.  Very rarely will the sedative make them more hyper.  And even rarer than that it will have no effect.  Awesome.

We'll try and grab some video of the pathetic noises he makes from the road.  Next time I update I'll either be in Ohio or on the way.