Sunday, August 21, 2011

Pollen, the sinus' Mussolini

Hello!  I haven't been updating too often because, honestly, not too much has been going on.  The search for employment is ongoing.  I'm going to start looking for more menial work.  (Human resource in bigger companies, etc.)  I'd love to be a teaching artist, but I'm having a hard time finding that sort of work.

ANYWHOO, The people who lived here before us planted beautiful flowers here before they moved out.  Or, they were beautiful before we neglected to feed or water them.

Such a disappointment.
Only problem is:  they're lilies.  And, contrary to what one Dallas area baker would have you believe, The Wife is allergic to all lilies.  Whenever we're downstairs she gets all caughy, eye-wattery, stuffy and headachey.  So today I told her that I'd get a shovel and "take care of the flowers."  (Say the stuff in quotes like a character from the Goodfeathers.)  Here's what my trip to the store looked like:

Why does the sun have a beak?
 And here's what the return trip looked like:

He lost his eye in the big one.  Don't bring it up.
(Before you get all excited and proud I didn't walk to the store.  I walked to the store from my car.)

So, I can't dig up the flowers today.  Partially because it's all rainy and partially because the dirt by the flowers is pretty thoroughly mud.  I'll do it tomorrow.  I brought The Wife's favorite Disney movie upstairs and we are watching it now since, you know, she's trapped upstairs in the tower and all.

If you have any job hunting tips or know of any teaching artist jobs in the Columbus area let me know.  Thank you all!

And now this week's obligatory The Cat picture:

He's under the bed, and the camera flash does not amuse him.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


So, we moved in about two weeks ago.  We had a couple of adventures, unpacked a lot of stoof, and got bit by The Cat.  I'm sorry that I didn't post pictures until now.  I'll try and be better about updating more regularly.  If I don't have any good stories I can regale you with stories from the past couple of weeks.

But for now, pictures of our house.

The front door.  It sticks really bad so when we leave we go out the back door.  When we come back we can get in through the front, but I have to kick the door in.  This is what I was doing when our neighbor introduced himself.

Here's the view when you walk in the front door.  The wife rushed out of the room before I could catch a picture of her.  I'll probably get a picture of Bigfoot before I catch one of her.

Our living room.  Complete with cardboard box fireplace screen.  We have to wait until the winter to get a real one and we really don't want The Cat rolling around in a dirty fireplace.  (He would.  Just to spite us).

View from the couch.  The Wife discovered a reality show called "Dance Moms."  Lucky for us there's a marathon on today.  yay.

Our kitchen.  It's much smaller than our old kitchen but we're making do.  Notice the Texas flag above the stove.

Our bar counter, which is now the microwave counter.  We didn't have a lot of food storage space so we got these temporary cabinets.  The delivery guy: "What did you get?  Nothing from Amazon is that heavy."

Our bookshelf, complete with Disney hats, Spider Piggy bank, and James Roday autograph.  Top row is fiction.  Next two rows are nonfiction, mostly media studies.  Bottom row is comic book trades, yearbooks, and Engagement scrapbook. 

Dining room.  The dining room table collapses to be about a foot wide.  It also has drawers.  Super classy Ikea.

This was the lighting fixture over the dining room.  We hit our heads on it and it was kind of super ugly. So...

...I changed its ass!  It was the most manly thing I have ever done.  GET OFF MY BACK!  I'M A THEATRE TEACHER!  I OWN A MAKEUP KIT!

We put up pictures of our friends along the wall.  We want to put our family pictures up somewhere else but we haven't decided where yet.

Our bathroom.  For some reason there is a big honkin' window in our shower  We trimmed and hung up a cheap shower curtain over the window, threw away the excess, realized that you could still see through the window, got another cheap shower curtain, hung it up.  You can't make out shapes through the window but it does give the bathroom a creepy green glow.  Also, notice the pockets on our shower curtain.  It may not be fancy but it gets the job done.

Here's the light fixture above our bathroom vanity.  I don't know how I feel about these.  I had an excuse to change the one in the dining room (hitting our heads).  Maybe once I have a job I'll get something to put here.  Then again we're renting...

Here's our bedroom.  Complete with engagement painting, The Wife's desk, and empty hamper.  (The bag of the hamper comes out so we can carry it downstairs).

The other half of our bedroom.  The Wife got a vanity because of the size of our bathroom.  It was hard finding one that didn't make our bedroom look like it belonged to a five year old princess.

The Wife: "Honey, where is the cricket bat?"
Me: It's in the basement, why?"
The Wife: "Could you bring it up here?"
Me: "Why?"
The Wife: "Protection."

The Cat's litter box.  He TOTALLY MINDS the flowery mat.

The basement.  Where did we get all this stuff?

More Basement.  (The pink bag is the bag from the upstairs hamper).

Here's the obligatory The Cat picture.  It's no box fort but it will do.
Well.  I hope you like them.  I'll post again next weekend.  Hopefully by that time I'll hear back about employment.