Since updating last I have taken the GRE and the MAT. I've gotten a couple of shades above average on both tests, which I am totally fine with. Now I just have to do all my writing. Yay! I've taken a couple swings at my Statement of Purpose. I've hit a good chunk of writer's block. But it's not in the shape of a block. It looks more like a tetrahedron. damn...
Anywho, since my life in Ohio has been much more stationary than my life as a Texas middle school theatre teacher, I've gotten a little out of shape. Yeah. Just a little. GET OFF MY BACK!
Everybody's body works in a different way. Mine puts on weight in a very odd way. At least it seems odd to me. It only accumulates on one part of me. It doesn't gather on my arms, or my legs, or my neck, or shoulders. It only gathers on my stomach. So, I don't look like a guy who is kind of out of shape. I look like a healthy pregnant woman. Instead of a baby made of human parts it's a baby made up of Chipotle burrito parts.
And you thought this was an exaggeration. |
On Sunday I decided to implement a simple, short exercise regimen that I could do every night and wouldn't need weights. This week was supposed to be the trial run. Here's the regimen: 25 squats, 25 push ups, 25 sit ups. So, here's how I looked on Sunday:
I may look like a moron, but I'm a happy moron. |
Not pictured: The Cat trying to attack my face. |
Not pictured: my tummy. |
Not any problems. I got it done. (though, I'd be lying if I said I didn't decide to switch from 50 to 25 during my push ups.)
Here's how I looked last night:
I've got "bad dancer's" legs. |
I got through 10 and then my abs went on strike. I think they're somewhere on Wall Street now. |
Not an exaggeration. Immediately after starting I fell flat on my face. It wasn't worth it to stand back up. |
I'll try again tonight but it's not looking good. I am not fit. I am by far the least fit member of my immediate family, siblings, and parents. I'll keep you updated on my food-baby. I believe I'm entering the 23rd trimester.
And now for The Obligatory The Cat Picture:
It's the flash. He doesn't always glare at us. Just usually. |
I hope I'm not the only one who reads every time you post and cracks up laughing every time.
ReplyDeleteThen again, I don't care THAT much if I AM the only one.
Do food babies have genders?
I'm really proud of you for starting to work out! I'm not just saying that, either. :) Keep it up little bro.