Thursday, December 1, 2011

Three for Thursday

Through writing this blog I have had the good fortune to discover similar blogs of my friends and family.  Even though some of them make me feel a little bad for my unhealthy choices.  Such as my special cake.  (It's a chocolate box cake, jarred chocolate frosting, and gratuitous chocolate sprinkles.  You may be wondering what makes it "my special cake."  It's me yelling GRATUITOUS SPRINKLES! while I make it.)

One such blog belongs to someone we met just before we moved to Columbus.  She was a roommate of a friend we met in Austin.  Even though we didn't know her very long we think she's awesome.  Like most blogs it chronicles her life and her inner thoughts.  It is themed around a simple request:  to make her a tree.


She has a running theme on her blog.  She will have lists that have titles that have alliteration with the day of the week.  (Example:  Top Ten Tuesday.)

In that vein, I bring you THREE FOR THURSDAY!  Wherein I will list three things.  In this case, it will be three things about Columbus that drive me up the wall.  Things I can't stand.  In no particular order:


For the first time in my limited existence I don't have a dumpster in which to toss my trash.  I have this pathetic trash can:

Such a waste

That in and of itself is not all that bad.  What's bad is the trash pick up schedule.  See:  Whenever there is a government holiday the entire schedule shifts by one day.  Every. Stupid. Holiday.  Not just the big ones, like Thanksgiving or Christmas.  Stupid ones like Columbus day, Washington's birthday, and Egg Salad day.  So I am never really sure when it is our trash pick-up day.  To make things worse, according to our lease if our trash can is out on a day that it's not our pick-up day we get fined by our apartment complex.  The result is me taking out the cat poop in my pajamas, seeing that all of our neighbors trash cans are gone, and saying "Too cold.  maybe next week."  While next week involves me ax kicking the trash can lid to try to smoosh down the pile of trash so the lid closes.


When I drive around I like to listen to sports radio.  I don't know why.  I just do.  Now, you need to understand, all sports radio has gone down a peg now that I am not immersed in Longhorn news.

But these guys take it to a whole new level.  Several times they call an opposing coach "stupid."  Now, I don't care if you don't like or agree with someone.  Hell, usually I don't care if you call someone stupid.  But if you are being paid by a media outlet to lend your expertise to a subject, you should probably at least try to avoid sounding like a middle schooler.  Plus their voices.  THEIR VOICES!  God is to Morgan Freeman as the Devil is to these guys.  Not quite the Devil, seeing as he is crafty.  Is there a subject in the Bible that is malevolent yet incompetent?  Don't believe me?  Here's an exert from their sports-related program.

I don't know about you, but I was ready to claw out my ears ten seconds in.  BALANCE BE DAMNED!  The Wife pointed out that everything they say about animal science is wrong.  Their knowledge of sports is almost as solid.  When I was telling The Wife about this list she responded: "Why don't you just plug in your iPhone?"  This show makes me want to do just that.  But when it comes on I can't spare the attention.  Why?


Maybe it's because the traffic was so bad in Austin that we all had an unspoken agreement with each other that we'll help each other out.  The traffic here isn't so bad so I think everyone is looking out for number 1.  I'M getting to the exit first.  I'M not going to stop at this stoplight.  I'M not going to wait until the lane clears before driving into the intersection so when the light changes I'll be sitting in everyone's way.  I'M going to flip you the bird when you slow down for a yellow light.  All in all if you were to look into my window while I am trying to dodge the cars who are zooming around me to cut me off on the exit ramp (actually happened) I would look a little like this:


In Austin you would sit in the same place for about half an hour during rush hour, and that's bad.  At least your life didn't flash before your eyes every time you needed to pick up some milk.  I don't need any more reminders of how boring I am.

Runners up:
Grocery stores
Constant rain
"Mexican" food

On another note:
Be jealous.

Last up in this really poorly paced Blog post is THE MOUNTAIN DEW OBLIGATORY THE CAT PICTURE OF THE DAY!  I found him taking a nap on our bathtub.  I was surprised when he didn't flip out on me when I woke him up.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, thanks for the shout out! I'm a fan of themed days on blogs. I like routine. I'm boring like that.

    The trash schedule is like that at my parents' house. My dad just takes our trash to the dumpster at his workplace when our can gets full, ha.

    and oooh, Austin traffic. I'm only just now getting to "enjoy" that now as a working citizen and not just a student. So much more driving. So much more time out of my life wasted on MOPAC, 35, and pretty much everywhere else too.
